Employees will have periodic evaluations with the owners. The employee will be evaluated on his/her effectiveness and ability to perform the position as described in his/her job offer. If improvement is required, it will be explained to the employee. It is expected that performance will improve within a specified time frame and will be re-evaluated at that time.
An employee may terminate his/her employment with a minimum of 2 weeks and written notice. If written notice is not forthcoming, the employee is expected to sign a confirmation stating the reason for leaving and last day of employment. Employees are requested to give as much notice as possible.
Discipline and Termination of Employees
Employees shall perform their jobs as described in their job offer. Employees who consistently fail to conform to the specifics of that description or exhibit inappropriate behavior or poor performance will be reviewed by the owners.
This review meeting will attempt to identify the problems, find ways to improve the situation and suggest adequate solutions, concluding with a recommended course of action and an appropriate time frame in which the employee is expected to improve to the satisfaction of the owners.
If the situation persists, a warning will be given to the employee which may be either oral or in writing. This warning may be of a potential dismissal.
If inappropriate behavior or poor performance continues, the employee may be dismissed.
Termination for cause
Employment may be terminated for just cause and without notice for:
• Gross misconduct or insubordination
• Sexual harassment
• Performance of assignment(s) while under the influence of alcohol or mind-altering drugs
• Theft
• Illegal, violent or unsafe actions
• Abusive treatment of clients or coworkers, either physically or mentally