DAILY PROCEDURES – See Procedure Manual
The sales staff will be trained and is responsible for BOD and EOD
Stocking & Inventory
Sales staff is responsible for stocking and maintain inventory. They are also required to complete monthly partial inventory checks. The store completes a full, store-wide inventory twice a year. All staff is expected to assist with this process
Sales staff is responsible for customer shipping, including coordination, tracking and customer communication.
Shipments for Made to Measure / Custom Programs
MTM Orders MUST ship in groups with other shirts unless there is a specific written request that makes it clear how the deadline is critical. The deadline will be discussed at that time before pulling the trigger on a single rush shirt shipment. See Procedure Manual for MTM and custom ordering procedures.
Cleaning & Maintenance
It is expected that staff keeps all spaces of the store including the store, design lab, kitchen, bathroom and storage area, clean and maintained.