Standard styling for MTM orders: See styling manual
Price lists for GROUPE stock fabrics and mill cut length fabrics are generated tice a year for the Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter seasons. These price lists are to be printed, placed in a binder and housed in a location that is convenient for staff use during a customer fitting.
When an order is taken:
• Χηεχκ στοχκ οφ φαβριχ
• Enter order/ fabric(s) into Lightspeed (MOS)
• Enter order/ fabric(s) into Hostwinds o Check “Salesperson OK” box
o All shirt orders are in inches
o If it is a re-order, look up the last order that came in correctly and put that order # in the “Compare to Order ID-ShirtOrderID-notes yellow box.
o Click the “Urgent” box and “Priority Date” if there is a deadline required. The date entered should be the date it needs to ship NOT the date of the event.
o If the fabric is to be ordered from the mill, enter the fabric color code and description in the Item Notes in the first page AND in the order form under “Description” and “FabricCode”
o Enter any specific notes or details in the ‘SSV Staff Notes” section
o See Styling Manual for shirt styling
• Once the order is in Hostwinds, notify Management it is ready for review o Tell Management if it is an urgent order and needs to be reviewed quickly
All shirt orders MUST ship in groups with other shirts unless there is a specific written request that makes it clear how the deadline is critical, which then must be discussed and planned in the event of a single item/ order shipment.
When an order is taken:
• Check stock of fabric if it is a GROUPE fabric
• Enter order/ fabric(s) into Lightspeed (MOS)
• Enter order/ fabric(s) into Hostwinds o See Styling Manual for jacket and pant styling
• Infill the “Status” box as Order Pending
• Notify Management it is ready for review
• Once Management has reviewed the order Infill the “Status” box s Order Ready to Send o Tell Management if it is an urgent order and needs to be reviewed quickly
Production Manager orders fabric for MTM and custom orders:
Notify the Production Manager when an order has been entered into Hostwinds and fabric can be ordered. Fabric cannot be ordered until at least a deposit has been made on the order.
If it is a very busy sales day without time to enter the fabric into Hostwinds and the suit order is urgent:
Once the order is in MOS, send the Production Manager and email to say there is fabric ready to order with the following information.
• Customer name
• Factory where the suit is to be made
• Article to be make (2pc, jkt, pnt)
• Reorder or new (custom, special order modified, special order)
• If it is a new order, try-on size
Keep track of fabric and lining stock for each order
If you have any questions about the stock of a GROUPE fabric, ask the Production Manager.
When taking a shirt or suit order using a GROUPE stock fabric, refer to the fabric stock reports and/or lows & outs reports. Record the fabric sold on the report. See yields below for gross calculations of stock fabrics and linings:
• Shirt: 1.8 m
• Cardoso o Jacket: 1.75 m
o Pant: 1.35 m
o Suit: 2.90 m
o Lining: 1.5 m
• Santarelli o Lining: 2.20 m
This section is in process and will be given to all employees once completed